Sunday, April 13, 2008

So, he says

"I want more new spiffy garb. I need pretty stuff."

Like the stuff I make him isn't pretty. So I says, "Like what?" and He says, "Like I don't know." So I says, "OK, go look at (all my numerous) costuming books and tell me what you like." So he says, "I don't like those because I can't tell what they would look like on." So I says, "Fine! Go here and tell me what you like." So he says, "ooooo, I likes this:"

Ah, the G63. OK, looks like I get to draft a new pattern this week. I'm presuming he wants it to go with his lovely new chausses and braies.

I've got some lovely bright blue linen that will be lovely. The only thing I object to this is that he will insist that it be made "just like this one" but he will never button the collar because A) he has such a huge thick beard and B) he doesn't like things up around his neck.

At least he will wear hats.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, it's not as if we live in a collar-buttoned up climate. I suspect if he was cold, he might bother.